You DO!! Whether you are taking CPR for the first time or a seasoned professional healthcare provider, our classes are informative, fun and a great learning environment. When the classes are complete, everyone will be confident in their abilities to perform the skills they have learned.
Typical Professions that may require CPR or First Aid Training:
All Healthcare Providers:
* Doctors
* Dentists
* Nurses
* Clinical Nurse Assistants (CNA)
* Chiropractors
* Physical/Occupational Therapists
* Other Hospital/Healthcare Professionals
City & County Officials:
* Police Officers
* Emergency Medical Technicians
* First Responders
* Paramedics
* Firefighters
* Municipal and Federal employees
* Power, Sewer & Water employees
* School teachers
* Coaches and Youth Sport Leagues
* Daycare Staff
* Sunday School teachers
* After School Programs
* Youth Organizations
* Counselors
* Bank employees
* Construction workers
* Resturant staff
* Hotel/Retail staff
* Manufacturing personnel
* Lifeguards
* Personal/Aerboic/Pilates/Yoga trainers
* Fitness clubs and classes
* Golf Courses
* Commercial/Industrial Facilities
* Office/Apt buildings
* Boy & Girl Scouts
* Community Organization
* Churches
* Camps